peakers stand for so much more than stage presence. Many times their ideas create buzz that breeds dialogue, connectivity, and change.
In each edition of our Beyond the Podium series, we showcase timely news and ideas connected to WSB’s leading voices. Here are the top stories this month featuring our thought leaders and their latest endeavors — outside of the keynote.
Photo of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen, by Paul Morigi for Brookings Institution, used under Creative Commons.
1. Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen: On Presidents, Politics, and the Fed
Former Federal Reserve Chairs Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen joined Fed Chair Jerome Powell to discuss Fed policy and the current state of the market. Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, Bernanke and Yellen drew on their previous experience, focusing on their relationships with the White House during their terms.
Speaking of Presidents: In New York, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin cozies up to Abraham Lincoln's bronze statue. With InStyle magazine, she reflects on what she's learned from past presidents and their decisions.
2. Ezra Klein: 9 Podcast Interviews I Learned the Most from in 2018
Ezra Klein of Vox highlights the transformative power of conversation in his podcast, The Ezra Klein Show. Rather than providing a best-of list, he sums up 2018 with the nine interviews that taught him the most. To name a few: Klein builds fantasy worlds with Hugo Award-winning author N.K. Jemisin; discusses diets in the modern era with Michael Pollan; and identity politics with Lilliana Mason.
For more insight and impactful conversations, check out these 6 smart podcasts to better yourself in 2019.

3. Stephanie McMahon: Management Lessons From the World of Wrestling
She's the character that you love to hate. But Stephanie McMahon is more than the villain you see in the ring — she's also the chief brand officer of WWE. Hinging on tips like the use of storytelling in marketing and a willingness to be vulnerable, she shares lessons on how to be the best boss in real life, learned from playing a horrible boss in the ring.
At CES 2019, Stephanie McMahon talks about WWE's strategic shift to promote and empower more women, based on feedback from fans. It shows "the power of your voices — the power of all of our voices," she says.
4. Adam Grant: Job Interviews Aren't Always Effective
Job interviews are a lot like first dates, says organizational psychologist Adam Grant — everyone is on their best behavior. When you first meet someone, you're not meeting them — you're meeting their representative. With interviews, employers learn who’s the best talker, not necessarily who’s the most qualified. Grant suggests a more hands-on approach to understand how effective a candidate will be on the job.
So, you’ve landed the job. But what do you do when your personal life leaks into the office? Here’s how to talk to your boss about a personal issue that’s affecting you at work, according to Shelley Zalis, CEO of The Female Quotient.
5. Bret Baier: Celebrating 10 Years Anchoring 'Special Report'
Bret Baier celebrates his 10-year anniversary as the host of Fox News Channel's "Special Report." During 2018, it was the No. 6 program in all of cable news. Comedians, colleagues, and rivals alike afforded him a plethora of congratulations on reaching the milestone.
Former First Lady Laura Bush also celebrated a big accomplishment this month, being named Texan of the Year 2018 for her uncommon leadership.

Megan Boley was a content marketing writer at WSB. When she’s not wordsmithing, she can be found with her nose in a book or planning her next adventure.